well since Kunkle started to complain about us not sharing during class i figured i might as well share it now. This is my journal entry in response to our little war that we had experienced, and it reads:
It has been used for years to visually portray the fight between good and evil; the classic scene of a person with the devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. This pictorial usually lasts a few seconds or minutes at the most, but never much longer. It is a war of choices to decide the route to take, but which do you go with?
Being raised in a single mother household raised me quickly. I had to be my own "man of the house" in some ways. Yes my mother did more than i ever though she could, but it was like trying to play patty cake by yourself, it just doesn't work right. In the past few years the constant conflict within myself has escalated to an utter war of the mind. Do I act as a son, or as a roommate who is here to support each other? How much weight do the rules carry that have neverbeen set in stone? Even what words do I use to communicate with my mother? This is a war that i see myself loosing if I don't keep myself in check. It is close to evacuation day and i head off to college, but I have found it clear that no matter the circumstances, obeying the parents is neccessary. They can still get on your nerves like never before, but obeying the parents that raise you is the only sound way to produce a calm and collected relationship.
have a good day
Ending of Caucasia
16 years ago
I like this. It's poetically written and gets at a conflict that most people will experience at some point (some earlier than others, unfortunately). "War of the mind" is a great phrase. I think that really gets at the seriousness of our struggles with identity and self-concept.
Thanks for sharing this, Anthony!
This is very true, i have the same conflict when staying with my mother. How coincidental.
Someone posting something with actual feeling behind it? A refreshing change.
I like this. Grammatical errors aside it's really heartfelt and an all around wonderful post. Good job.
I really enjoyed this blog, I like how you decided to spin it to a war with yourself. I never even thought of that! Man can I relate to you on the single mother thing, it's tough; although I did have 3 other siblings most of the time. I haven't for a while. People probably read your blog and say, "Wow, he doesn't know anything, parents suck." Although parents can be a complete drag sometimes, kids have to respect the fact that as hard as we have it as teenagers--they've got it much harder. Kids who are so wrapped up in themselves tend to forget the feelings of their parents, and how they just want what is best for us. Parents have made a lot of mistakes themselves, and even though I hate to admit it--they are almost always right. I'm the kind of person who learns by making mistakes, and there have been a few occassions where I ignored my mom when she gave me advice. I learned from it, but she could have saved me a lot of aching if I would have listened. A few years ago my mom and I use to argue a lot, but as I grew older I started to appreciate her more than ever, what she does for us, and how much harder she has it to be doing Everything on her own with almost no help. It takes a lot of maturity to admit that you have to agree with your parents no matter how bad it can get, but it's something that I've learned early on, and I hope other people realize as time goes on. I bet it's also hard being the only kid, and everything is so new that sometimes she doesn't know how to handle it all. I give your mom props, and I give almost all parents a lot of respect for the job they've done raising kids. It's a lot of work! Parents just want what's best!!
Spectacular Blog Anthony! Well done my friend.
don't really want to have to follow the comment-novel in front of me, but here goes. I have no idea what you are going through so I'm not even going to try to say I do. But I for one am glad that you didn't get all emo on us ever. And I thank you for that =]
Keep up the amazing posting
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