Friday, November 28, 2008

Today of all days, probably the most absurd and the most confusing day to watch people. I saw on the news that a worker at Wal-Mart was trampled by the mobs entering the store. Ironic that their slogan is "Save Money, Live Better;" more like "Open Early, Get Trampled to Death." I'm glad to see that the economic crunch hasn't hindered our thirst for buying random crap we dint need; at least not that much.

As i walked through the mall, not caring where i was going for i dint need to buy anything. I found a duo of girls dressed as moderately normal zombies; dragging a foot, making noises and walking in peoples direction. This spectacle immediately reminded me of the sociology project in which we had to break a social norm.

Call me weird but it i took a seat and watched others reactions too them. Being that their costumes were not too over the top, a casual passer-by wouldn't notice right away that anything was wrong and get sort of afraid when one of the two girls started to make a noise as she looked up. It was hard not to laugh, everyone was too involved with their shopping to even pay attention to anyone else; unless they were dressed up as a half-dead zombie.

so next time you enter a mall, watch your step, you might run into a relative back from the dead who needs to buy a new coat; it is colder than you thought in the afterlife.


Winnie K said...

thats a cute blog. I went shoppng on Friday and it was weird watching people amitiously run into one another and not even care. The people who I found to be the most hiliraous were the ones with a list. You would see them scoundering the store for their particular item and then after finding it, racing to the register and pulling out their wards of coupons. They would then leave the register without saying "thank you" or "happy holidays" and get in their cars to finish off their mission.

Kristi said...

Haha I heard that article before I went into work on Saturday. Is it bad that I laughed hearing about that incident? And those girls must have been so amusing to watch! I wish I would have been there to see it.

aleeshaKo said...

Ha ha wow that is quite absurd!

This is possibly the main reason why I hate the holidays. People are so careless and inconsiderate. All that matters to them is that they get that one sale item to buy for someone potentially hoping to win their love as well as saving a couple bucks. It's hard for me to go anywhere during the months of December and January, I'm just afraid of getting trampled to death I guess.

Shauna Ohhh said...

This was entertaining to read, becasue on thanksgiving night at 12:00 i went to Johnson creek to go shopping. Well i was not all that thrilled of being in the cold when i could be sleeping in my bed, it was an overall fun experience. I felt as if I was a zombie. These people would run to where they were going, lines were miles long and it was completely insane.

I too, like Kristi, sort of laughed when I read that. Seriously, How ridiculous are we getting.

Ohhhhh well. GOOD BLOG!


Ollie said...

Hehehe, I thought it was aweful but also funny of how humans behave. We end up killing a man because there were cheap tv's, and the crowd grew upset when the manager closed the story shortly after the death. I think the people should feel pretty bad for what happened. But cool story about the zombies. I wish i could of seen them.

Jimmy said...

Now not that i condone the killing of people to get cheap stuff, but didn't the worker see the 7189273189273891 shoppers clawing and attacking the door before they opened it? Seems like he wouldn't open the door until he was far away. I'm sure the unlock button is somewhere else then then right in front of it because then little children could get to it and stuff. Anyway good post. Gotta keep commenting.