As i read through chapters three and four, i made a minute connection to what Billy was going through on the train. he was herded onto the train car like cattle and only recognized by the number on the outside of the car. in order to keep the car clean he has to become a "dumper" and they share the floor space for sleeping. Though no where near the gruesomeness of his ordeal, is that of students attending a large school. They are only known by scores and numbers, having to create friendships and alliances to keep going. It is necessary for them to cooperate together in order to maintain a workings community.
this is just one thing i noticed while reading. obviously it is under different circumstances and different means of survival, but something similar.
Ending of Caucasia
16 years ago
Very insightful. It is true that they become just numbers instead of names, and that who they were was disregaurded. I found that very similar to large schools as well, when you need to learn to work together no matter what.
I do not know how you guys know about being in a large school because we've all been here since like 2 years old but anyway enough with my dickiness. I can see kind of where you get your ideas, from presumptions. Not the best place to find them but whateva. I still appreciate your good grades Student #4579.
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